Sunday, May 10, 2020

Listening Week#11


We're NOT in the classroom.

Oh dear, oh my.

Zoom In

I will be sitting in the Zoom room during your Listening period on Wednesday. Drop by if you have any questions about the listening or writing work.

  • BTW: please do not book a meeting during that time with other teachers. Thanks.

Part 1

Let's begin with a short, easy listening activity.



Part 2

Listen to this short video with Arnold.

Can you summarize his argument in one sentence?

Submit your one-sentence summary to the TTP writing page.

Part 3

I want to start a series of activities that focus on a core skill: listening fluency.

These drills can help you improve listening speed if you do the work over a long period of time.

There's no improvement if you do these activities for one week and then stop.

In that sense, listening fluency is like losing weight. Thinking about it and doing it will produce different outcomes.


I guess that many of you have an extensive vocabulary. Some might be in the 3000-4000 word range. Others are higher in the 10,000 word range.

The problem is your brain. Your brain has not been trained to listen faster.

Now we are going to train your brain to listen faster like Arnold used to pump arm muscles.


Go to this website:

You can find short stories from Level 1 to Level 5.

  1. Listen to a story a couple of times without the script.
  2. Read the script without listening.
  3. Read and listen again until you can hear all the word sounds AND understand the ideas.
  4. Listen again a few more times until the words flow like musical notes.

Then stop.

The next day, listen to the same story a couple more times until the words and story are clear, clear, clear.

Later in the day, start a new story. Repeat the listen, read, read while listening, and listen pattern.

Next week, we do it all again with two more stories.

Now you can see we have a listening routine that runs over two days.


Here are the two stories for this week:

  • Remember: if you think you don't have enough time, watch the Arnold video again.

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