Sunday, March 22, 2020



Let's push the peanut a little further down the road.

Zoom meeting 

(This message is repeated on the Listening Lesson plan)

There is no scheduled Zoom meeting this week.

I will be hanging out in the Zoom room during your Listening Period on Wednesday.

If you have a question or want to discuss something (about listening or writing), then pop in for a chat. Otherwise, we are going asynchronous all week (listening and writing).

Part 1 Review

Read the slideshow and re-discover what we've done so far in the writing class.

Part 2 Writing Skill #3

Let's learn and practice a new writing skill - better verbs.

Section A

First, read this slideshow to get some background information.

Section B

Read about the next writing activity in the slideshow. Complete the writing drill this week.

Part 3 Writing skill # 4

Here is another important writing skill - editing. 

All writers - from professional authors to students - need to learn how to find and fix their own mistakes.

Editing is a skill that can be learned with a bit of knowledge and a lot of practice.

Let's start today with a bit of both.

Section A

Read the slideshow to get some background information.

Section B

Here is a worksheet activity. Practice editing wordy sentences.

The worksheet has questions and answers (self-check).

Download the worksheet here.

Section C

Rewrite Room 8. Check your second draft of Room 8.
I made some heavy edits.

Write the third draft. Submit the third draft to the G drive.

Section D

You wrote the first draft of a creative story. I have not read it.

Rewrite the second draft. Make it better by using the skills we have learned so far:
  • great first sentence
  • better verbs
  • remove wordy sentences

Apply some of the 6+1 writing traits, like better sentence fluency and paragraph organization.

Submit to the G drive this week. 

I will read and edit the second draft.

Hey, I think that is enough for this week.


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