Saturday, February 22, 2020

TTP 2020 Preparation

Things to do before March 2

  • If you do not already have one, please register for a Gmail address. We will be using assorted Google tools to share materials and a Gmail address (and password that you remember) will be required.
  • Please complete the TTP2020 Entrance Questionnaire.
  • Join the Band!
    We will be using Naver Bands for English language TTP-related group messaging. Please join the Whole Group and either the Elementary or Secondary Band. Please feel free to start posting messages and getting acquainted with your fellow trainees.
  • Website: Apps: Android Apple Band Demo Screencast

    -   Whole Group  (Invite Code: 8496 SCREEN)
    -   Elementary  (Invite Code: 9888 NEWLY)
    -   Secondary  (Invite Code: 8026 NEEDS)

  • Zoom Prep is an online teaching platform that we will be using for our Virtual Orientation and may use for online teaching.
    The Virtual Orientation is schedule for
    Thursday, February 27 at 10:30am.
    The Join Link is:

    You will need to install a small program or app in order to join in live. Feel free to click on that link beforehand and experiment with Zoom. 

  • Extra Special Super Important Very Fun Week#1 Assignment 
    Post a 1~5 minute INTRODUCTION VIDEO to the your the Whole Group BAND
  • You can take a ‘selfie video’ with your phone or get help from a friend. Be as creative as you like! (e.g. give a tour of your home or self-quarantined environment, take us out with you on Friday night, sing your favorite song, etc.) If you have any problems uploading the video to the Band, email the file to Jeff at
TTP Bands


      Whole Group                             Elementary                                        Secondary